
Faith & Social Justice: In the spirit of Richard Overton and the 17th C. Levellers

Why Are Christians So Apathetic About War and Social Injustice?

I have the next post of my series on GLBT Inclusion in the Church ready to go, but I haven’t posted it, yet. I have been concentrating on trying to do my small part to stop a war. And here’s what I find depressing: Very few people comment when I blog about war and peacemaking, but I get plenty of controversy and concern blogging about “homosexuality,”–a term which is anachronistic regarding the Bible, anyway.

This greatly disturbs me. Suppose I am wrong about wanting the church to revise its views to be more inclusive and welcoming of GLBT folks. Suppose God really does find gay couples to be sinful. Would God still think that’s where the church’s energies need to be mustered? If one takes the conservative reading every time (and I am trying to challenge some of these readings), there are, AT BEST, 7 passages in 2 Testaments condemning same-sex actions. By contrast, peacemaking is a huge biblical theme that is GREATLY NEGLECTED by our churches. Yet which topic gets more attention?

Justice for the poor is stressed on almost every biblical page from Genesis to Revelation, yet most churches are either silent on it or , at best, think the problem is one of charity rather than justice! Usury is condemned, so why aren’t Christians furious credit card and bank lending practices?

I will post my next section on GLBT Christians within a day or so–and I will get numerous comments. And when I post again on the war or on justice for the poor, I will get no comments or very few. EVEN IF (something I do not admit), conservatives are right on same-sex issues, isn’t part of being a biblical Christian putting our emphasis where the Bible puts it? Why do U.S. Christians major on the issues the Bible considers minor and ignore the ones that are absolutely central to the Bible?

I find it depressing and that is why I didn’t blog on GLBT matters this weekend. Update: This post is in no way meant to silence debate or disagreement on my posts on GLBT matters.

January 29, 2007 Posted by | discipleship | 33 Comments